textworx. Agentur für Corporate Publishing und Journalismus.

Corporate Publishing and Journalism

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Let's talk

Whenever you hear the phrase "content is king", take heed: Don't take it too literally. Content has gone out of fashion, because when the copywriter is asked to deliver content, substance is rarely required. Instead: the inevitable grey next to all the clips and images that want to tell our stories today.
Bad times? Not really. Despite all the trends, people are still moved by stories and inspired by good copy. Analogue? Digital? Who cares! As long as there is real content of compelling quality.


Life writes the best stories. It's the storyteller's privilege to find them and make them shine for the reader.

Corporate Reporter

The Corporate Reporter goes where the stories are, where real life happens. Even if there isn't a desk in sight.

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Every successful communication starts with a good story. The uncle at the family party knows this, and everyone brings him another beer to keep him going. Good copywriters know it too. That's why they scour their clients' messages for anything that will interest, surprise, inform or move their audience. Sometimes they find these stories literally on the street. But more often they have to dig deeper, talk to people and look behind the scenes. But it's worth it: the end result is a story that becomes the beginning of a new communication. Length doesn't matter: There is nothing wrong with a ten-page glossy feature. But often a social media post will do. If necessary, even 280 characters...

Good stories
make a difference.

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Feature Story
Request the
Corporate Reporter.

The corporate reporter provides the fuel for successful corporate communications: real stories. He goes where the client's work is visible, or where its ideas and products touch the lives of people around the world. He features people whose passion and expertise are constantly creating something new. He explains the potential of technology that will make the world a better place one day.
Stories like these breathe life into press releases and set bring social media channels alight. Or they turn an annual report into an inspiring magazine that makes numbers dance and the readers marvel. That's how great corporate publishing works. Will you give it a try?


See a small selection of my publications that have been published in English
over the last few years.

More than 40 online features, interviews or reportages for the image campaign "Simply Saxony" of the Saxon State Chancellery.

• Research (mostly on site)
• Interviews
• Complete copywriting

Please click on slides for direct link

Publication for the European Association for External Thermal Insulation Composite Systems e. V.

• Concept
• Research (partly on site)
• Interviews
• Complete copywriting

Structuring and copywriting for the entire website of HolyPoly, a start-up for plastic recycling solutions.

• Concept
• Research
• Complete copywriting

Please click on slides for direct link

Publication for the Tourismus Marketing Gesellschaft Sachsen mbH

• Research
• Complete copywriting

About textworx.

Erik Braunreuther has been the brains behind textworx since its foundation in 1999. He studied political science and completed his training at the renowned German School of Journalism in Munich (DJS). After a period as a freelance writer, he took on his first projects for well-known PR agencies and realised that solid journalistic skills were also very much in demand in the PR industry. And that a great passion for language doesn't hurt either.


Bautzner Strasse 88
D-01099 Dresden
